Как да се справим с цистита и уроинфекцийте през зимния сезон?

Как да се справим с цистита и уроинфекцийте през зимния сезон?

Ако цистит и уроинфекциите са нещо, което ви мъчи ежедневно през зимните месеци, то екстракт с червена боровинка може да ви помогне! 

Червената боровинка предпазва пикочо-половата система, не позволява прикрепването на бактери по уринарните пътища и намалява симптомите на парене, често уриниране, болка и сърбеж.

Екстрактът от червена боровинка на Natures Aid има доказани прочистващи, антисептични и диуретични свойства като облекчава много бързо симптомите от възпалението в пикочните пътища.

Червената боровинка е магически плод -  тя има богат асортимент от лечебни свойства и лекува редица здравословни усложнения, не само уроинфекции. 


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    Charlie Garden
    окт 23, 2021

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    Bob Fireplace
    ное 4, 2021

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    Arthur Garden
    ное 23, 2021

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    Alan Garden
    ное 23, 2021

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    Alex Fitter
    ное 28, 2021

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    Billy Pressure
    дек 2, 2021

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    Alex Decking
    дек 13, 2021

    Hello, it was actually a really brilliant adventure for me when I dropped by at your website. I just wanted to applaud you on the high quality of your work and to send you the best of luck with it as you progress into the future. It was a hoot to view your website and I will obviously be calling back again shortly to find how you're getting on. Take care and I'll see you here very soon - Alex Decking

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    Daisy Hedge
    дек 20, 2021

    Aloha, it was actually a really incredible adventure for me when I checked out your website. I just wished to commend you on the quality of the work you have done here and to wish you bon chance with it as you develop going forward. It was a pleasure to surf your web site and I will most certainly be dropping by again shortly to find out how you're doing. Thanks and I will doubtless see you here in the near future - Daisy Hedge

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    Bobby Porch
    фев 7, 2022

    Aloha, it turned out to be a really wonderful experience for me when I checked out your website. I hope you don't mind if I compliment you on the level of quality of the work you have done here and to wish you all the best with it as you grow from now on. It was a pleasure to explore your blog and I shall certainly be dropping by again shortly to find out how you are getting on. Thanks and I shall doubtless see you here again in the near future - Bobby Porch

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